The Center for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD) is committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

To this end, an "Accessibility" working group has been created to draft the multi-year accessibility plan.

This accessibility statement applies to the HAL Training Hub (

Compliance Status

The HAL Training website is not compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Framework, RGAA version 4.1, due to the absence of an accessibility audit.

An initiative to conduct an accessibility audit was launched in December 2024.

Establishment of This Accessibility Statement

This statement was established on December 19, 2024.

Feedback and Contact

It is important to recall that, under Article 11 of the February 2005 law:

“Persons with disabilities are entitled to compensation for the consequences of their disability, regardless of the origin and nature of their impairment, their age, or their lifestyle.”

The CCSD is committed to taking the necessary measures to provide access, within a reasonable timeframe, to the information and functionalities sought by persons with disabilities, whether or not the content is subject to an exemption.

The CCSD invites anyone experiencing difficulties to contact us at accessibilite [at] so that assistance can be provided (accessible alternatives, information, or content provided in another format).

Legal Remedies

If you notice an accessibility issue preventing you from accessing content or functionality on the website, and you report it without receiving a satisfactory response, you are entitled to submit your grievances or request mediation to the Defender of Rights.

Several options are available:

  • A contact form;
  • A list of regional representatives with their direct contact information; [in french]
  • A telephone number: +339 69 39 00 00;
  • A postal address (free mail, no postage required): Le Défenseur des droits - Libre réponse 71120 - 75342 Paris CEDEX 07 FRANCE.