Resources and training catalog
⏳ 1 hour
🧍♂️ Scientific staff
🎯 Deposit your scientific publication in HAL
🇫🇷 French speaking videoconference
⏳ 1 hour
🧍♂️ Scientific staff
🎯 Set up your HAL account, manage your deposits, obtain/share ownership of a deposit, create your IdHAL and associate publications with it, create your HAL CV
🇫🇷 French speaking videoconference
⏳ 1 hour
🧍♂️ Scientific staff
🎯 Set up your HAL account, manage your deposits, obtain/share ownership of a deposit, create your IdHAL and associate publications with it, create your HAL CV
🇫🇷 French speaking videoconference
⏳ 1 hour
🧍♂️ Scientific staff
🎯 Deposit your scientific publication in HAL
🇫🇷 French speaking videoconference
⏳ 1 hour
🧍♂️ Scientific staff
🎯 Deposit Your Scientific Publication in HAL
🇫🇷 French speaking videoconference
⏳ 1 hour
🧍♂️ Scientific staff
🎯 Set up your HAL account, manage your deposits, obtain/share ownership of a deposit, create your IdHAL and associate publications with it, create your HAL CV
🇫🇷 French speaking videoconference
⏳ 1 hour
🧍♂️ Scientific staff
🎯 Deposit your scientific publication in HAL
🇫🇷 French speaking videoconference
🎞️ 1 video
⏳ 5 min
🧍♂️ For all audiences
🎯 Fill out the deposit form in HAL
🇫🇷 Resource in french
🎞️ 4 videos
⏳ 5 mn
🧍♂️ For all audiences
🎯 Import publications into HAL via the deposit suggestion
🇫🇷 Resource in french
💡 Everything you need to know about the deposit suggestion in one page
🇬🇧 Resource in english
💡 How to link your HAL deposit and associated data? Everything you need to know in one page
🇬🇧 Resource in english
💡 Everything you need to know about depositing software in HAL in one page
🇬🇧 Resource in english